Does this sound
You know your anxiety is holding you back; you spend endless hours worrying, sleepless nights doubting and seconding guessing everything you do.
Yet no matter what you’ve tried to do to fix the problem, you continue to have those nagging feelings of anxiety and fear rumbling under the surface of your life.
Maybe if you just got a new job, or changed your hair, or had a different circle of friends, you would feel better. So, you do that, and yes, you experience a temporary shift, but then something happens, maybe your boss makes a comment about a piece of work you did, or your partner doesn’t like your hair, and it starts all over again.
The worry that maybe you’re not good enough, the self-doubt creeps in, and you start imagining all sorts of unhelpful what-if scenarios, and before you know it, you are back down that rabbit hole of anxiety, fear, self – doubt and overwhelm.
✓ You think that nothing will ever be able to help you?
✓ You lack confidence and self-belief?
✓ You find yourself self sabotaging?
✓ You have daily anxiety, that just needs to stop?
✓ You believe you are not worthy for the money, relationship, career?
✓ You constantly question yourself and if you are good enough?

Waking up in the morning, your mind is clear, and you know today is going to be the best day!
- Going to bed at night and falling straight to sleep because you are not re-playing through every single part of your day, or worrying about things you’ve said or decisions you’ve made.
- Being guided by your inner wisdom and feeling aligned with who you are and the decisions you make.
- No second-guessing.
- No self-doubt.
- No fears holding you back.
- Only clarity, without all the confusing feelings of overwhelm.
- And a deep connection to your innate knowing as you show up to your life and you confidently go through your day.
Can you imagine how it would feel to know no matter what, you are ok?
How different would your life look?
How different would you be if you felt this way?

I'm here to show that it doesn't matter how long you've experienced any of these things, OR how many times you feel you have tried and failed.
You can FREE yourself from anxiety, fear, self-doubt and overwhelm.
And that's why I have created the most comprehensive and effective way to help you to
break free.
An 8-week live coaching program where you’ll learn how to dissolve anxiety, remove fear and overwhelm and learn how to live the life you deserve free from the prison of your mind.
Three Pillars
To Reinventing Your Life From The Inside Out!
You will develop
a deep inner resilience
...so that you are well equipped to deal with any obstacle life throws at you...
Inside this 8-week program, you will unlock the Master Classes and Live Coaching Calls!

Shifting Beliefs
- Learn how to create beliefs that support how you want to experience your life
- Learn how to shift limiting beliefs about perfection and failure and learn to believe in yourself again

Inner work
- Learn how to connect to your inner wisdom so that you can be confident in everything you do
- Learn how to listen to yourself and take action on your inner wisdom, so you stop doubting and seconding guessing yourself
- Learn how 95% of your life is run on automatic via the Brain and why your brain is wired to keep you where you are. And I will teach you how to rewire your brain so that it aligns with your inner wisdom and stops highjacking all your attempts to overcome your anxiety.

Who you really are
- You're going to learn how to step into your next level self so that creating the outcome you desire is inevitable
- You are going to learn to connect with the power of who you truly are and create a big picture vision of your life
- You will learn how to align with that vision and be the person you are destined to be
Did I mention you would also get these!
Access to:
- 30 Days to greater self-love & self love Digital course Valued at £197
- Spring clean the mind - Mini Kick Starter Series Digital course Valued at £197
- PLUS Over 50 Bonus audios and videos of group coaching calls
- Bonus call 1 - Health Anxetiy
- Bonus call 2 - Keeping Your Energy Clear
- 12 Month Community Membership with access to all live group coaching sessions (£997 of included VALUE)
One-time Payment
- 8 x Weekly Master Classes
- 8 x weekly Live Coaching Calls that run every Wednesday at 8 pm GMT / 3 PM EST.
- PLUS weekly support calls in between
- Unlimited access to this course… and I have clients who’ve repeated it many times due to the insightful nature of the coaching calls which always reveal something new.
- 12 Month access to "Reinventing YOU" Coaching Program and Community.
- Closed Facebook Group -access to a private Facebook Group where you can find weekly transformational tips and breakthroughs.
- SEVEN added tutorials: Life Audit, How Balanced Is Your Life, Creating A Daily Practice, Letting Go Of Expectations Challenge, Acceptance & Forgiveness Audio/Meditation, Generative Trance Meditation & Postural Body Sway! (Value £549)
2-monthly Payments
- 8 x Weekly Master Classes
- 8 x weekly Live Coaching Calls that run every Wednesday at 8 pm GMT / 3 PM EST.
- PLUS weekly support calls in between
- Unlimited access to this course… and I have clients who’ve repeated it many times due to the insightful nature of the coaching calls which always reveal something new.
- 12 Month access to "Reinventing YOU" Coaching Program and Community.
- Closed Facebook Group -access to a private Facebook Group where you can find weekly transformational tips and breakthroughs.
- SEVEN added tutorials: Life Audit, How Balanced Is Your Life, Creating A Daily Practice, Letting Go Of Expectations Challenge, Acceptance & Forgiveness Audio/Meditation, Generative Trance Meditation & Postural Body Sway! (Value £549)

Need some peace of mind?
Join in for week 1, and if it’s not everything you hoped for, you can have your money back. NO QUESTIONS ASKED!

Client Love

"Thank you Avril for a fantastic course.
I first got in touch with you as I was experiencing a lot of stress and anxiety at work, and felt like the fear was taking over me. From our first chat, you helped by explaining how a lot of what we feel is caused by overthinking or attaching meaning to thought. I knew deep down that when I was getting caught up in the fear, the best thing to do was to go and take a walk to give my thoughts some time to settle, but that at the time it felt counterintuitive. When you reminded me of the intuition that is always within, I began to act on that, whether that was taking a quick walk at work, or reading a book at home when my mind started to whirl... and I began noticing a reduction in my stress levels.
Prior to our first meeting, I had been experiencing physical symptoms such as migraines and nosebleeds, and I am happy to say these are happening far less frequently now that I am feeling much calmer. As I mentioned on our last call, I noticed a gradual change in how I am feeling... so gradual in fact that it just seemed I was taking it on board naturally and it was only when I looked back and thought about how I felt before I started the course, that I realised what a big shift I had experienced.
So a huge thank you from me for helping me to rebalance and feel much calmer despite the fact that there will always be pressured situations... because that is life! I strongly recommend this course to anyone who is seeking to experience greater calm in such a way that it just happens naturally. Thanks again!
P.S. I am actually writing this in Bali, which only happened as a result of listening to what I really wanted to do and not talking myself out of it... and I decided to book it during your course."

"This course has been a huge help for my self-confidence and awareness.
It has enabled me to look within and stop looking externally... when I slip back into my old ways it has enabled me to get back on track. To do this I can watch the session recording or notes in my journal. I have joined the course 3 times and each one has been a unique experience.
Being able to share with others is also revitalising and refreshing - chicken soup for the soul. 😀
To be given life-long access to the sessions is a lifeline.
My life has changed dramatically since the 1st course...
I feel I am now “reinventing me” into who I want to be. I have taken early retirement from 35 years in IT and I am now setting up as a self-employed complementary therapist. I am currently training as a cranial sacral therapist and I now feel I am doing something I love.
Do I still have “bad days” - yes I do, but the coursework has allowed me to get through these days with a different perspective and an acceptance I never had before.
My relationships have also improved... I took a lot from the session on expectations and I feel that helped me to change my expectations of others and myself which has had a positive effect on my relationships.
I would highly recommend this course for those who want to look within, understand their mind thoughts and improve their relationship with themselves. Keep a journal and look back... you’ll be surprised how far you’ve come. 😊
Jac M
“Avril and the Reinventing You course has massively helped me to understand how my body and mind react causing crippling anxiety - which has affected both my mental and physical wellbeing. I am starting to get hours, sometimes days when I am calm and listening to my innate wisdom. During these times I sleep so much better, there is much less stress on my body and I have significantly less migraines. Significant changes have primarily been around managing expectations and learning to not meddle with my thoughts. Like Avril says, the thoughts keep coming. Some of them are useful, supportive, kind, and others are unhelpful or even detrimental. Learning how to just let them go has been very helpful for managing my anxiety. My anxiety primarily manifests when I am not being authentic and when I start meddling with thoughts. There has been a big shift in my mindset and my wellbeing and I am no longer crippled by my anxiety! Thank you so much!!!”
It's important that you read this next part very carefully..
**This Opportunity Isn’t For Everyone**
- I can only help a specific type of client so there’s a stringent yet fairly achievable set of criteria.
- I don’t work with people who are looking for a quick fix, or who won’t take the time or space to explore everything we cover in this 8-week course.
- My role is to help you realise that inside you have everything you need and that you are not broken, which means that you will need a little faith and a willingness to try something new and different.
- Even if you can't make the live calls, you must be willing to check in with me and let me know how you are doing.
- Because I really want you to make the most of this opportunity.

You wouldn't believe the number of people I have spoken to who pour out their hearts to me in tears from the years of suffering and frustration anxiety has caused them.
If that is you, you're not alone!
Spend 8 weeks with
and you will be equipped to restart your life with a new understanding of what causes your anxiety, fear, self-doubt and overwhelm…
so you can remove these blocks.
You will start to gain awareness into what is holding you back so you can remove them once and for all...
You will learn to shift the beliefs that hold you back and create new and more empowering beliefs for yourself.
You will learn to have a deep connection with your inner wisdom so that you gain clarity and confidence and never doubt or second guess yourself again.
You will know who you are and will be able to align that with a clear vision of how you want your life to be
Every week Avril will coach you and the group live on zoom, personally taking you by the hand and helping you every step of the way.
I don’t ask you to do endless techniques like other approaches; I take care of everything for you, there’s absolutely nothing for you to do except to show up for the Live group coaching calls and listen to the masterclasses.
And what’s more, you do not need to spend weeks, months or even years trying to fix yourself.
In fact, I encourage you not to do any of that stuff during the time we spend together.